Sunday, October 29, 2006

Haunted Decatur Tour

I recently got the chance to attend a Haunted Decatur Tour, put on by Troy Taylor author of books like "Haunted Decatur" and "The Ghost Hunter's Guidebook" a couple among many titles he has written. I must say, for those interested in Ghost-Hunting, it is worth the forty bucks for the four hour extended tour. It was very professionally done, and very informative. I really enjoyed it and I will go again, given the chance.

It all started at the Avon Theater, we got to hear Troy talking about the hauntings that have occurred at the theater itself, and then we piled into a school-bus on began the tour through the more famous (or infamous) haunted spots of Decatur. We ended by taking an hour long walk through the haunted Greenwood Cemetary, and explored the documented-haunted spots within the cemetary. If you have the chance, and you live near Decatur, Illinois, I would highly recommend the tour to anyone considering going on the tour. They, of course, don't gaurantee anything paranormal will happen on the tours, but things have happened in the past! I did experience some strange corner-of-my-eye shadows moving about in the haunted Lincoln Theater, which is closed to the general public, but on the extended tour, you are allowed entry to this spirit-active place.

Please visit Troy Taylor's site for more information about his books, tours, and overnight excursions to haunted places in Illinois and surrounding areas:


Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hi Berta,
Have a super day !
luv, Sevy

9:26 PM  

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