Twist ties and toys: Ridiculous!
Manufacturers have to come up with ways to annoy the consumer, and I believe there has to be some sort of, dare I say, conspiracy! Maybe not.
However, the last toy I bought my 2 year old had like 25 of these things, and after all that twistage, is tape really necessary to hold in the pieces also?
Here it is, Yule morning, and my son and his cousins are unwrapping thier wonderful presents we spend our hard earned cash on. I think toys should come with coupons to mail in for rebates, just so you can get a little back on your twist-tie adventures. Meanwhile, trying coming up with activities for the screaming children who really want to play with their new toys, as you keep lovingly assuring them "Only another minute and mommy (or daddy) will have this ready for you!" I suppose you could recycle them, but they usually just end up getting missed by the designated trash-picker-upper person, and you find them months later underneath the couch cushions.
How necessary is this? I really don't recall all those ties in my toys when I was a kid. Whose job is it to twist them all? Probably some sweat-shop-orphanage-kid who gets paid in bread crumbs? I'll bet the bread crumbs come from some stale bread, in an open bag they had to take the twist ties off of to use for the toys.
Well, maybe not...
--Berta "Twist n' Shout" Balugalugalugablog
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